Terms Of Service

This Site is made for people over 14 years only, any user found to be lying about their age to access the Site will be deleted without warning.


Comments containing racism, spamming, flooding, Adult words Or illegal hacking Information such as Credit cards, serials, bank accounts, and adult files will be deleted immediately, and the posters will BE BANNED WITHOUT WARNING!

 Raising Abuses or Harassing any official of this Site will lead to a BAN… If anything arises, the need for such action. Please report to the site owner.

 Harassment and racism as well as posts leading to religious arguments, are not allowed and might result in a ban and a permanent IP Ban if this behavior continues.

English is the general site language, and we expect that to be used on this Site

No smoking when visiting our website, Commenting, or next to pregnant ladies, or babies hehe… Lol

The most IMPORTANT rule here is to have fun and enjoy your stay 

 :: Remember, these rules were made for protecting you before protecting us if you think they are a little restrictive, you are free to contact us

Thank you.